An Angeltherapy Practitioner's Letter To Doreen Virtue
About Her Conversion To Christianity
This is a letter I wrote Doreen Virtue on February 12, 2018
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Doreen Virtue |
NOTE: I have decided to share this letter with my spiritual family, previous / present clients and students.
I feel it is important for you to understand my perception of the changes she has made and I also have other things that I am being guided to share about her present stance on the teachings that I may have referred to you in our time together.
Dear Doreen, Feb. 12, 2018
NOTE: Please ignore my grammar and spelling mistakes if any!
I hope you get something from my message and that you actually read it in spite of my sloppy grammar. I have so much to do today for my own life but felt compelled to write to you! I do remember a Spiritual Teacher on my path saying that if you see something and say “Someone Should DO Something About This!”… “YOU are that SOMEONE!!!” I think in this case that SOMEONE is ME!!! J (This paragraph is repeated at the bottom of this letter).
I am not sure if you remember me, but I am one of your ATP’s. I worked with you in 2002 and in 2003 in Laguna Beach. I have helped out at Hay House conventions as one of your helpers when you came to Canada. I have felt a kindred spirit to you at a certain point in my journey! I remember when I had just one book of yours and one deck of cards (Healing With The Fairies) and while I read the one book KNOWING that you WERE to WRITE many more books to empower people! I have to admit your journey (You live yours in front of us all) has been a bit of the opposite of mine and yet many similarities about guidance during certain parts of our journeys. I was raised Roman Catholic and grew INTO my spirituality over time. I have always said that if I were to have had children, I would have raised them with religion and allowed them to make their own decision after. Meaning, I would have them baptized and any other rituals associated with that religion. I have to admit my journey has been challenging and by no means am I as advanced as you in the material sense of my physicality but I feel a real understanding of where you are from a spiritual perspective because of my desire to continue to grow. I am by no means a saint but I take my work with the beings whose life I touch very seriously! I know now that your ATP course was an answer to a prayer that I had put out to God on my journey. I had been reading a set of books called “The Life and Teachings of The Masters of The Far East” by Baird T. Spalding. In them they had said to be careful about the Tarot because when a person sees them and they are negative they may affect the person subconsciously! So I prayed for the “HIGHEST POSSIBLE READING” and was led to your work with the angels.
I don’t want to go into great detail about the things that have come to mind about you during this transition but I just want to ask you a few questions to ask yourself and perhaps make a few suggestions that may hopefully benefit you in some way!
- I know you are very committed to the Bible that you are reading and Jesus. Truthfully I have always had a LOVE for Jesus but in my heart I never felt he wanted to be worshipped. This was just a feeling (I think because it would preach separation and this is what we as a human race are trying to overcome). I would like you to consider reading Shirley MacLaine’s “Out On A Limb”, I know it’s old but it refers to certain things that were struck from the Bible. I feel I am just reminding you this. I KNOW YOU KNOW THIS!!!!
- In my heart I feel (I have been listening to Abraham Hicks over these past few years to keep my vibration high because I work with clients) that the “Real Jesus” you met was the one that was manifested in the environment you were in. You said you saw him in a church! Well that is the Jesus that the people in the church believed in and this is why you saw him the way you did!!!! He was THAT CHURCH’S JESUS!!! Please forgive me if you feel otherwise but that WAS THE VIBRATION you immersed yourself in!!!!! Please, this is just a suggestion and I mean NO HARM!!! I am just asking you to stand above this to see where I am coming from. In my heart I feel that you are connecting with the vibrations of the teachings and they are an OLD perception of Christianity! This is a link to an Abraham Hicks video that explains this and I find very inspiring. They do repeat the information so don’t think you have to watch the whole thing! Please pay special attention to “YOUR BRAIN IS NOT A STORAGE CABINET. IT IS A TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER!!!” (this link is no longer there)
- You Doreen are an amazing manifestor and you have had so many prayers answered! I am just suggesting that perhaps the reason why this has become a bit more difficult for you is because of WHAT you are reading in the Bible. I did do the “Course” myself (ACIM) and it said if it’s EFFORTLESS it’s from GOD! Is this effortless for you?! My goodness, I have to admit that I had a very hard time hearing the beginning part of your Q & A because in my heart I KNOW THAT the only thing that IS REAL IS LOVE! I finally could finish the video today and I cried. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE REJECTED TO MAKE A CONTRIBUTION TO HUMANITY AND HAVE A STRONG SENSE OF COMMITMENT TO JESUS! Please be careful on where you have decided to place your focus! I will do my best to hold the space of wholeness for you so that YOU REMEMBER THIS TOO!
- As far as I am concerned you have always had a strong connection with Jesus and GOD! I truly LOVE the affirmation when you get to the throat chakra with your Chakra Clearing (I memorized it). “I allow my Higher Self and the HOLY SPIRIT to speak through my today in ALL of my communications. I step back and let spirit lead the way and all of my communications are perfectly ordered and guided! Today everyone with whom I come in contact with benefits from listening to my words. Including myself "(I added that last part).
- What about the sacral “I now fully accept my inner guidance as to my Divine Life Purpose. I know that my will is totally aligned with God’s will for my perfect happiness! I accept ALL OF HIS SUPPORT IN MANIFESTING MY BEAUTIFUL LIFE MISSION INTO FORM!”
- I had come to learn that talking directly to the angels was not the END of my journey. It was the preparation of my own connection with my HIGHER SELF / GOD / HOLY SPIRIT. At a certain point of my journey they backed off so that I could discern my Higher Self / God Self’s wishes to experience on this planet. BUT, I did not have to let go of all of the teachings to do this and neither do you!
- I know you may need to have this experience for whatever reason you may have agreed upon before you came to this planet but in my heart I KNOW this will grow and change when you put ALL OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE IN PLACE PLUS THIS EXPERIENCE.
- As for the animals. The answer to that prayer came to me by somehow finding out about a gentleman’s mission and his name is Garnet Schulhauser. (I had been guided to help the stray cats in my neighborhood and had been questioning if what I was doing was correct or had I gotten carried away!) He has a series of books that Dolores Cannon’s publishing company has published and they are quite good. If you recall Betty J. Eddie and her “Embraced by the Light” book you will remember the “Drunken Man” story! I KNOW you read that book and even met Betty! Well, there are some interesting things that are a part of his journey that make it very interesting to me to have considered listening to his experiences with his guide and what he learned from him! He has some wonderful information about the animals here on the planet and from what I have gathered they are meant to be equals to us all and the food chain was intentionally put in place by those that seeded us here! I felt that what I got out of his mission was that the animals are aware that we may use them for food. They seem to be fine with this because they do eat one another to sustain life here on this planet. They DO NOT like the way we EXPLOIT them and MISTREAT them! This is the main problem here!!! That is why we sensitive beings are feeling pushed to love them. It is to treat them as valuable beings JUST LIKE WE ARE!!! That we all are equal and we ALL have a special right to be on this planet! Truthfully for years almost every day I listened to you invoking the Archangels at that 2011 Hay House Convention in Toronto, Ontario and in your prayer you called them our brothers and sisters (plants, animals, bugs and such), I do pay attention!!! I am just sharing this with you because Garnet has done many interviews on You Tube and it may help to confirm the information I am trying to convey to you. I do understand that if you feel that this is where you must go I will honor that but I have to admit as one of your spiritual friends and students I cannot go on this part of your journey with you! I will LOVE YOU from where I am NOW and continue on my path as I was doing already!
I hope you get something from my message and that you actually read it in spite of my sloppy grammar. I have so much to do today for my own life but felt compelled to write to you! I do remember a Spiritual Teacher on my path saying that if you see something and say “Someone Should DO Something About This!”… “YOU are that SOMEONE!!!”
All My LOVE,