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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Being Love Isn't Always Easy


   Sometimes things are not what the seem to be!

Today I got a call that brought me peace. I will have to say it didn't start that way. A few days ago my friend called me to let me know that her kitty, whom we both love so much, was getting ready to transition. She initially said the call was to "check on me." By the end of it all, I really questioned if this was the case.

She told me she had "x" amount of funds and was a bit upset because she could not be with him in the room because of it. I started to tell her a solution that I have come to know, and she cut me off and said, "NOPE, it is his time. He told me, and I am doing it this way!" I said, "You just told me you had nightmares after the other one you did this with. Maybe there is another way?" She said, "NOPE!" I said, "Why did you call me if you made up your mind already? I have another solution, but it seems like you don't want me to tell you anyway!" Next thing, she calls me a "c-nt" and hangs up on me!

I am like, OK, what the "f--k" was this for?! Like, do I really need this? How was this call in any way for me? I let it go. Later, something inside me decided to say something via text. "You said you called for me. How did this conversation have anything to do with me at all?" She answered and told me other stuff happening.

The next morning I was doing my spiritual work, and I decided to really put a clear path ahead of me. I knew in my heart I wanted to see this kitty before he transitioned, and I also knew that I had a solution that would be best for all of us. The day progressed, and I got really anxious and decided to go! I have to say, I am so glad I did.

I put it "out there" to see if I could see someone else in the building she lives in as well. I got there and followed my guidance, and I was so happy I went when I did. I got to her place. Now it is important to remember that she was a dick the day before. So even though I pre-paved, I stood a few feet away from the door after I knocked. She opened it with welcome arms, and I got to see her and her babies and, of course, the handsome kitty that was getting ready to leave this world.

As I was there for a while and brought more light into the situation, I got a chance to tell her what I was trying to tell her on the phone. As the visit progressed, she remembered other times this happened in the past. See, I KNEW this WAS what would make you feel better! Talk to him and see if he will do this with you instead. Needless to say, I left feeling "good" knowing I brought a solution that would be better for all of us.

This morning I received a call, and she told me it "happened" the way that I suggested. I cried and said, "I am so happy!" Not happy he is gone, but happy that my suggestion worked for both of them. Definitely way more peace all around.

I will say, with my work, this happens often. Not everything is smooth. There are lots of beliefs and energies I have to navigate through to get through to people. I am just so glad that I have the balls and courage to do something instead of just ignoring it and saying, "Oh, she was a b--ch. Screw her!" Sometimes it takes great courage and wisdom to navigate various situations that arise. It is not always a straight path.

May this inspire some of you to take the time and see past the "drama" to KNOW what spirit is trying to tell you in each situation. In some cases, you will be surprised with what the solution is. And you may have to step out of your comfort zone to do so!


Rose and Friends (Furry and Unseen)💓🙏💓