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Friday, June 25, 2021



Understanding the True Meaning of Pay It Forward 

(My Perception of It)

                        By: Rose Ann Kulyk OR Rose from The Perfect Rose  June 14, 2021


This is a special note to my friends, spiritual family and potential clients (those who may have visited my website and not met me personally).

I am sure many of you have been going through interesting times in the past many years that you may have known me, worked with me or even just visited my website.  I have had so many things happen in these past few years and I have realized that perhaps this might need to be brought to your attention so that the interactions we have together are beneficial and clear for ALL CONCERNED!

I have been blessed over the years to have worked with spiritual teachers who sent me love and support on my journey while I was in the process of gaining a clear understanding of MY OWN CONNECTION.

 I really felt blessed and realized how beneficial it was that I had this support!   So much so that I wanted to make sure I PAID IT FORWARD and offered it to people that know of me!  Truthfully, I have been doing this probably for almost 20 years or so!  So in TRUTH anyone I think of or have met OR anyone who thinks of ME or who KNOWS ME is offered this support as a part of my daily practice.  If it is for your and their highest good of course…

So in truth, why I am telling you this is because I have realized that some people that may just be waking up or those who are awake may not realize that just because you are thinking of ME in response to an answer to a prayer it IS a result of my OFFER of support and energy that I have built into my daily practice for years!

Because of this I feel sometimes people may get confused and feel like I AM the “SOLUTION” to their issue but in truth that may NOT be the case.  I feel it is best to ask yourself these questions if and when you think of me.

1)      Perhaps I am thinking of Rose because she has sent me “energetic” support like angels and energy to assist me on my path.

2)     Is she “really” the person who is supposed to for example “drive me to the grocery store?” or “be my life partner?” or “be my roommate?” or whatever “solution” you may be praying for.

3)     Maybe I am thinking of her because she can “point’ me in the direction that I am praying for by having a session with her?  And / OR in some cases maybe even a brief conversation.

4)     OR Maybe I am only thinking about her BECAUSE she has sent me this support!?

I really feel it is important to bring this to your attention because I can’t help but feel that this is something that has added a tremendous amount of confusion in my life.

Especially when I have had so much happening in my life during these past few years!  I prefer to not write too much about some of the things that may be challenging for me to handle because I prefer to NOT cement them into my reality!  But, I WILL say this.  I could have used support myself during the beginning part of this pandemic and a good portion of this past year or more.  I didn’t go too public with it BECAUSE of what I said earlier.  I also noticed that my world started to become smaller and smaller because I had many people reaching to ME for assistance.  Yes, I was capable of giving this assistance; but I didn’t really “feel” like I was being guided to give the support that was being asked of me.  I also “realized” that many people don’t KNOW that I am sending THEM support already!  Depending on how they may have met me they really don’t KNOW or even REALIZE I have been sending them assistance already.  Just by being in my life!  I would just continue to hear.  "Well you said your job is to ‘assist’ people" OR "Well, you ‘help’ people don't you?"  I ‘help’ people "Yes!" I feel it is my job to ‘assist’ people but maybe NOT the way you may be thinking.  I am not saying I am above any form of assistance that is required.   If it feels like I am being guided to DO IT MYSELF for the person.  But, maybe not like the way they may THINK it is.  Maybe if it were for a session where I would get paid for it and my work was fully focused on the individual that “required” my assistance I may have felt like this was what I was supposed to be doing.  It just seemed that some characters just showed up and expected me to do and be these things that really just added to me feeling like I didn’t even KNOW if I wanted to serve at ALL anymore! 

I pictured some of my teachers and wondered if they had experienced this on their path.  I pictured asking one of my teachers to go grocery shopping for me or telling them they were to be my "life partner" because every time I keep thinking about a life partner I THINK OF THEM!  I also wondered how Wayne Dyer may have felt if I told him because he spoke to me once and he was kind to me.  That I was supposed to be his roommate because every time I THINK of having a roommate I think of HIM! I am sure he would have been impressed with this.  I feel his real response would have probably been the decision to run away from me very quickly!!! LOL

I also would like to mention to those of you that have asked to do in person work during strict lockdown.   Quite frankly, I know I can create and perhaps transcend anything!  But really, was this really beneficial for me in any way shape or form? I know we all like to think we are “special”.  If everybody thinks it isn’t going to happen to them, then I am sure we wouldn’t have had this crisis in the first place would we?! The best way to handle anything like this is to ask yourself a very important question.  I feel this is the most important commandment and if applied we would have a much better world.  “What I am asking from this person.  Would I do this in return myself?”  Simply said, “TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE TREATED” period!   It will save you so many problems in your future interactions.  I really feel that my distance work has BECOME just as POWERFUL as my in person work has been.  It makes both of our lives EASIER because we don’t even have to be thinking about all of these “worldly” concerns and it saves us preparation and travel time. Definitely a win/win situation for ALL concerned!

I feel it is also important to be clear about something as well.  This is HOW I make my living!  This isn’t a hobby or some form of charity work.  The many years of offering free meditations and kindness in various ways, affordable classes and any uplifting conversations, messages and of course my DAILY PRACTICE when I offer ENERGY, ANGELS and HEALING SUPPORT.  It has been my charity work!  Now, let’s mention my animals. I have been caring for and feeding stray cats (I am registered with the city).   I feed them dry once a day and soft twice a day; I have feeding stations inside and outside.  These animals are treated like I treated MY OWN animals.  I have also assisted various other “wild” animals (they may come to me when they are sick and because they know they can trust me) for years now and using my time, energy and money to do it!  This is also my “charity” work and I USE what I MAKE FROM my spiritual work/business to make this happen. So in truth I ALREADY DO CHARITY WORK!  I have been doing it for YEARS!!!  I again prefer not to go too in depth about it because I just find this becomes more “solid” and real.  I have to say that I have had some donations over the years and I am truly grateful and appreciative of them for sure!!!  Thank you, thank you, and thank you!!! Many of these have been and were definitely answers to MY PRAYERS!!!   I would LOVE for anything like this to continue but please keep in mind.   If I go to the vet for something with these animals I am paying regular vet fees.   I may have found a way to get them ‘fixed” more reasonably priced but the rest is MY RESPONSIBILITY.  If any of you have had ONE animal you can be sure that these things are pricey. If the animal has an issue so please keep this in mind when you are feeling I am supposed to be doing these “grocery store runs!”  I have learned many things as I have done this and I don’t like to consider myself rescuing these animals.  I consider it respecting these living creatures that live in MY REALITY.  I also try my best to respect even the ants and other moving creatures involved in this reality.   As far as I am concerned, not one life is more important than the other!

I am just feeling that as I move forward in my life and I want to continue to do what I am wishing to do as a form of service.   That it is very important for people to realize that my real job is to assist you in gaining a clearer connection yourself to YOUR HIGHER POWER.  That if you know me and are part of my spiritual family and if you think of me.  There may be a reason for it and this is because I am offering you support on an energetic and angelic level already! 


 If there is MORE that you may be requiring from me then at this point I would say that it is probably because YOU would BENEFIT by working with me in a proper session or invest in some way of learning information I may be guided to offer as my way of sharing my knowledge.   In this way I can do what my REAL WORK is and be COMPENSATED PROPERLY for it. By using my time and energy and getting paid so that I can continue on my path of the other work I do as my gift to humanity!

 This is my passion and not just a 9 to 5 JOB.   It is a way of life and I have dedicated my WHOLE LIFE TO LEARN HOW TO APPLY THESE TEACHINGS IN MY LIFE AND USE THEM FOR MYSELF AND ASSIST OTHERS IN STRENGTHENING THIS CONNECTION.   As Jesus said, “Teach them HOW to fish”.  I am busy enough with those who may not necessarily be in a position to make a living to pay for their food (animals) and sending angels and energy.  And, in time I would really appreciate some assistance with this so that I can have a few days off.  Until then, I ask you to please “THINK” before you “FEEL” I am the “SOLUTION” to your issue.  Because I have come to realize in many cases…“Yes” I was a part of your “SOLUTIONS” but, I was NOT to “BE THE SOLUTION.”   My job is to assist YOU by LEADING “OR” POINTING “YOU TO THE SOLUTION THAT IS BEST FOR YOU!”  This is my “REAL WORK” and the work I am supposed to be paid for (as long as we need to pay to live on this planet) because these skills have been developed to be able to facilitate this for YOU, on YOUR journey into becoming YOUR HIGHER SELF in PHYSICAL FORM.  In my heart I feel the rest of our journey together will be a much more enjoyable journey I am sure. You can then recognize more fully the gift I have already offered you and maybe have misinterpreted or misunderstood along the way.  This is my idea of what “Paying It Forward” is and how I have chosen to “assist people” and maybe sometimes drive to the grocery store.  That is, if I am GUIDED to do so! J


All My LOVE,



(905)526-9694 or mail to:

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Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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