For years, I have lived by the belief that
when we do what is best for ourselves with good intentions, it naturally
benefits those around us. But what happens when those efforts seem unseen, unappreciated,
or even disrupted?
Recently, during a heavy snowfall, I cleared a
path not just for myself but for my neighbor as well—something I have quietly
done for years. The next day, I was shocked to find that they had shoveled
their snow right into the space I had cleared, undoing my work. I wasn’t just
frustrated about the physical effort being erased—it was the deeper realization
that despite leading by example, my actions weren’t truly being seen.
This moment brought up something I’ve been
reflecting on deeply: Are we really meant to stay silent and hope people
notice? Or is it time to start speaking up and sharing our intentions?
As spiritual individuals, many of us have been
conditioned to navigate things quietly, believing that people will eventually
“catch on” through our consistent actions. But I am beginning to see that
sometimes, silence does not serve us—or them. If people don’t understand what
we are trying to show them, how can they change?
So, I chose to speak up. I expressed my
frustration, my exhaustion, and my truth. And while it was a vulnerable moment,
something shifted. The next time it snowed, my neighbor came out, and we worked
together. For the first time, they saw what was possible when we collaborate
instead of operating in isolation. They even acknowledged the power of
intention and how small shifts can create meaningful change.
The lesson I am taking from this—and perhaps
it will resonate with you—is that leading by example is valuable, but
sometimes we need to voice what we are doing and why. Not in a way that
demands validation, but in a way that invites awareness and transformation.
Maybe the universe is showing me (and all of
us) that it’s time to speak our truth, to express our vision, and to give
people the opportunity to understand the deeper purpose behind our actions.
What do you think? Have you ever felt unseen
when trying to create positive change? How do you navigate the balance between
leading quietly and speaking up?
#psychicreading #energyhealing #angelichealing #transformation #unseenrealms #lawofattraction #manifestationcoach #divineguidance #DivineConnection #higherself #ascension